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By-Laws and Regulations


Article 1: Purpose and Objectives


  1. Central Texas Mopars (hereafter known as “the club” in this document) is an organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the “Mopar” family of automotive vehicles and products. We do this by: 

    1. Promoting interest in various forms of Mopar car activity

    2. Creating good fellowship and sportsmanship among all members of the club and club families

    3. Encouraging spouses and dependent children to be involved with club or club functions

    4. Conducting club functions and activities in a manner befitting members of the club. 

    5. Encouraging a better understanding of cars as a constructive activity among members of the public, press, law enforcement agencies, and the community.

    6. Promoting safety in driving (street and high performance), automobile maintenance, and overall vehicle operation.


Article 2: Membership Regulations and Requirements


  1. ​Eligibility to apply for membership to the club is for individuals who meet the following basic requirements: 

    1. Age: 21 years old or above

      1. If active U.S. Military, individual shall be E5 or above

    2. A person of good character, interested in participation of Mopar car activities 

    3. Must own a Mopar vehicle (a vehicle where the motor parts and service are Mopar in brand)

    4. Reside in the club service area 

  2. Exceptions or Extenuations

    1. Family Units

      1. Dependents of full members under the age of 21 are eligible for membership at club officers’ discretion


Primary Member Eligibility Area:


  1. Service Area Map

    1. The club can accept member applications from areas outside of this area map, a prospect is not disqualified from membership based solely on location. ​

    2. The club will determine eligibility for individuals outside of the service area on a case by case basis. 


Article 3: Membership Process and Procedures

  1. To become a new full member of the club, an individual meeting the basic requirements in Article 2.1 (“prospect”) MUST participate in the vetting process listed below:

    1. Fill out the official club application on our website at 

    2. Prospect will be accepted on a probationary basis, until the prospect has attended:

      1. Two MEETS (show, meet and greet, etc.) 

      2. One CRUISE (to ensure prospect driving behavior upholds member standards)

    3. Admin feedback/voting to take place on prospect for full membership status.

  2. New member is REQUIRED to procure an official club decal off of club website upon full membership approval.

    1. If this requirement is not met within 1 month, member receives notification.

    2. If there is no purchase within 3 months, membership approval is revoked. 

      1. If individual is still interested in full membership, prospect must go through the vetting process steps of Article 3.1-3 again. 

      2. Prospect may only submit new application one year after initial application. 

      3. If vetting process is failed again for any reason (two failed total fulfillment attempts), individual will be prohibited from moving forward with membership in the club permanently. 

  3. Attendance requirement to maintain membership

    1. Member must attend two club promoted or sponsored events per calendar year upon their first full year of membership.

      1. If this is not met in the calendar half, member receives reminder of attendance policy and attendance record.

      2. If member does not fulfill attendance requirement by the end of the calendar year, member is demoted to a “non-member” status. 

        1. If individual would like to become a full member once again, must go back through the vetting process as a new member would. 

        2. If individual doesn’t meet club attendance requirements after two successful vetting processes, individual is permanently banned/blocked from membership in club. 

        3. Admin staff does have attendance waivers that can be distributed in cases of hardship that excuse attendance requirements, ONLY if it’s deemed necessary by leadership. 


Article 4: Member Conduct Overview

  1. Members are to conduct themselves in a manner befitting of the club. Conduct that is blatantly detrimental to the club, as listed below, will be dealt with proportionally: 

    1. No highly illegal activity (public donuts, burnouts, intersection takeovers, etc.)

      1. If member is caught in said activities, this will result in a permanent ban with no path back to membership

      2. A member posting content online praising or supporting such activity is not approved. 

        1. 1st offense: warning, 2nd time: moved to non-member status, vetting process to start over again. 3rd time: permanently banned from club

    2. No reckless driving or EXCESSIVE speeding on public highways (fly bys at 130 mph for example)

      1. Warning for first offense, banned from club on the 2nd

    3. Members are to maintain their vehicles properly. 

      1. If vehicle is blatantly unsafe or poorly maintained, it’s not eligible for events and therefore not eligible for attendance requirement fulfillments. 

      2. Ultimate judgement call on poor maintenance is with Chief Compliance Officer.

    4. Multiple Club Memberships (The J. Rule)

      1. If a member of CTXM registers to attend an event with CTXM, but attends and parks/cruises in/etc. with another group, member is moved to non-member status. 

      2. membership can be reinstated by going through the new member process again. 

      3. If found in non-compliance twice, individual is removed from member status and banned from becoming a member of the club. 


Article 5: Officer/Admin Requirements

  1. In order to be considered for an officer or administrator position with the club, or to maintain officer status, an individual must meet these minimum requirements: 

    1. No warnings or reprimands on file

    2. Minimum 1 year of experience with club 

    3. 4 events attended per year, one of which is to be a “major” event (national or regional event(s) taking place annually, not a recurring monthly or weekly event). 

    4. Nominations for new admin/officers can come from both current members and/or officer/admin staff

    5. Only officers vote on final nominees. 

    6. For current officers or admin:

      1. Officers/administrators are expected to uphold a higher standard annually than qualified new officer/admin candidates. If an officer/admin cannot meet attendance requirements or fulfill their roles in good standing as outlined in member conduct, individual will be demoted to standard member status, and their officer status is revoked. 

      2. As a standard member, individual is held to requirements referenced in Article 3.2. 

      3. Former officers can be reconsidered for admin/officer status providing they meet requirements set forth in Article 5.1 â€‹

CTXM Radio Policy

CTXM will have a community pool of radios for use on club cruises, out of region events. Each member attending will be issued a radio at the beginning of the event, each member will be required to return the radio at the end of the event. If a member keeps, looses or damages a radio. Member will be responsible for replacing that radio for the pool. Members will be able to purchase radios on the club online store for replacements as well as for individual ownership.

If a member fails to return the radio at the end off the event, an admin will contact the member. Once contacted by an admin, member will have 30 calendar days to return the radio or place an order for a radio on the club online store.If a member refuses to replace the radio, the member will be removed and permanently banned from the club for theft.

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